
Aesthetics, Ideas, Inspiration

We Want Miles

I would love to see this new exhibition about American music legend Miles Davis that the NYTimes describes as infused with the spontaneous and elegant nature of the man and his music: cool and understated in all the right places. Broken into a chronological series of eras, the constant evolutions and revolutions that characterized Davis’s work are central themes. Too bad We Want Miles is in Paris.

Pretty Boy Looks

The NYTimes has an interesting post today , It’s All a Blur to Them which ponders on whether genderless dressing is a marginal trend or has a robust future. One American icon comes immediately to mind- Patti Smith. If the wearer can pull of what she did twenty years ago - which transcended gender and was the embodiment of cool, then, robust future it is. I'm looking forward to the documentary Dream of Life airing on PBS Dec 30 to take a closer look at not just what she wore but how she wore it.